And the Results are…

I found out which placement I won today! I have been chosen to work at the museum! Yay!

The museum is called Musée du Fjord and is located in the very pretty town of La Baie. It has an aquarium and a vivarium with small animals. They also have excursion tours of La Baie. The (English) website is here if you want to check it out!

Camille has found enough rooms for all of the students in Chicoutimi, a town located central to all of the jobs. We will take the bus from there to our respective employments. Camille may have found the rooms, but it’s our job to contact the landowner and confirm a spot. This way Camille doesn’t do everything for us, and it is another way for us to practice our French with native speakers. The program tries to give us the closest experience possible to how it would be if we moved to Québec on our own.

We will all meet with our employers sometime next week, and I believe work starts June 16th, just three days after Explore ends! Exciting times!

1 Comment on And the Results are…

  1. Anonymous // June 7, 2014 at 9:41 pm // Reply

    Sounds exciting should be a great time for you dad xoxo


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